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Patient & Family Advisory Council


Quality Department
(864) 366-1769 or (864) 366-3342

We value our partnership with patients and families and encourage them to take an active role in improving the patient experience at Abbeville Area Medical Center.  Our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) brings together patients, family, staff and clinicians who become champions for the patient perspective and are a valuable part of our healthcare team.

The PFAC meets quarterly and members serve a one-year term.  If you are interested in joining, please review the information below and return a completed application.

What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council?

Abbeville Area Medical Center’s Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is a group of committed patients, patients’ family members, caregivers, healthcare providers, and community members who work together to promote safe and quality comprehensive patient-family centered care. Council members are consultants, advisors, and champions for the patient perspective. They shape policy and program development to provide better care and service by developing strategies that strengthen communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, patients, and their families.

Patient and family advisory council members are individuals who have received care at Abbeville Area Medical Center and who offer insights and input to help the organization provide care and services that are based on patient- and family-identified needs rather than the assumptions of clinicians or other staff about what patients and families want.

What are the criteria for being on the Patient and Family Advisory Council?

  • Maintain appropriate and confidential handling of personal information
  • Be able to listen to differing opinions and share different points of view respectfully
  • Be positive and supportive of the organization’s mission
  • Be comfortable speaking candidly in a group
  • Be able to use experience constructively and think beyond own experience
  • Be able to work collaboratively with council members whose background, experience and style may be different than their own
  • Be able to reflect on issues and priorities that are different than their own
  • Attend at least 2 meetings per year
  • Communicate with team lead if unable to attend meeting

What are the roles and responsibilities of Patient and Family Advisory Council Members?

  • Encourage greater understanding of the healthcare experience through the eyes of the patient and family.
    Honestly share perceptions and expectations concerning health care at inpatient and outpatient areas.
    • Provide a vital link between AAMC and the community.
  • Maintain confidentiality at the council meetings and outside the meetings.
  • Respect the collaborative process and the council as the forum to discuss issues.
  • Give input based on your own experience but be able to step out of your individual perspective.
  • Collaboratively work on projects identified by the council that will improve patient-family centered care at AAMC.

What is the time commitment for Patient and Family Advisory Council Members?

AAMC would like all PFAC members to make a one-year commitment. PFAC will meet on a quarterly basis at AAMC with the dates and times to be determined by the council members. Each meeting with last 30-60 minutes. PFAC members may also be asked to work in small groups or work groups.